Monday 30 March 2009

Batteries Not Included

It seems recently that I fail to remember my most essential accessory on my person.

Imagine this as it happened to me yesterday. I was on the metro in Newcastle heading to Tynemouth (a wonderful beach!) with Luke and Fraz, who are fellow YDAGs (I'll discuss YDAG later) and we were talking about many laddy things (too vulgar to repeat on here) (I sure like my brackets...) and all of a sudden a warning beep with decibels of a roaring airplane going past your window, made me jump! As soon as calmed down my heart palpitations, I cringed inwardly. It meant that my hearing battery was running out of power and surprise, surprise...I didn't have any new spare ones on me.

After silent cursing, i announced to my fellow deaf friends that my battery was running out and they looked at me with reproachful eyes. How dare I, a deaf person, shame the entire community for forgetting batteries. Fraz offered me one of his hearing aid batteries but unfortunely, it was the 'big' battery. Yes, there are differing sizes and I seem to have the most awkward one, which is the 'extra small' battery. For those who don't understand, here was the variety of batteries below.

I knew I had half an hour's power left so I decided to switch off and rely on lip-reading and body language. And after years of relying on sound, I found this hard to do at first but slowly but surely, I began to understand them like I've never worn hearing aids before. It was strange as well, cos inwardly, I could hear-picture their voice!

Anyways, we stayed at the beach for 2 hours and I duly switched them back on the way home. Once getting home, I grabbed my bag, and found my 'extra-small' hearing aid batteries! Plugged a new one in and made a promise myself to carry spares with me. So today...was I? You guessed it. No.

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